Poker veteran of 50 years: 'Table image has a lot to say'
When it comes to table image, I’m not talking about how you look, dress, your haircut, or the way you exchange pleasantries with other players; I’m referring to your playing style and betting tendencies. As I’ve said before, poker is as much about the player as it is about the cards you play at the casino.
How other players perceive you is determined by your overall demeanor at the table that's driven by your playing strategy, the hands you play, as well as the bets you make.
There are many different types of players. The majority are easy to recognize, and a few are better concealed.
Some of the more common table images include tight players, who play fewer hands, limiting their range to premium quality hands, and rarely bet out of position.
Loose or aggressive players dabble in a wider range of hands, bet more frequently, and often three-bet when in position — and not always with a good or premium hand. Other types include calling stations, over-bettors, luck boxes, nits, and donkeys.
Related: How to play three-card poker: rules, strategy, and odds
The table image you project can have a profound effect on your play and how others perceive you
The better players cannot be readily pigeon-holed. They can change gears at the drop of a hat and develop a chameleon-like persona, which can keep opponents guessing because they don’t want to be predictable.
Identifying how your opponents play is one of the first and most important things a player should do after sitting down at the table. Figuring out what each player is prone to do provides a road map that will help expose the terrain, the speed bumps, and potholes that lie ahead.
On the surface it appears as if most players are playing the same way until — boom — they do something that clearly identifies some distinguishing factor.
Recognizing your adversaries’ tendencies and playing style is like uncovering a tell
An observation of someone’s conscious and unconscious actions that can reveal insights into their overall approach and will give you an advantage.
Discovering playing styles and nuances is a challenge that can take some time to uncover, but once you recognize their inclinations, you’ve got an edge. After all, players don’t change their playing style any more than tigers change their stripes.
This knowledge will be very helpful as the game progresses. Understanding how to play against different playing types makes navigating much easier. As your skill level increases, you move beyond the cards alone and start playing the player.
An interesting example of a particular table image is the “ace hugger.” They love it when they are dealt an ace. No, I don’t mean a pair of aces — I mean a single ace. Any ace with any kicker. And they play them the same way most of the time. They slow-play in hopes of disguising what they have. Depending on their position after the flop, they will min-bet or just call in a later position. If someone raises, they will probably come along for the ride. They love any hand with an ace, and sometimes it works. Almost every table has one, and it helps to know who they are.
Remember what author Maya Angelou wrote:
“When someone shows you who they are, believe them.”
And their table image tells you what you need to know!
Previous article: Poker veteran of 50 years: 'It's all about the betting'

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